Analytics & Tracking

Looker Studio

Looker Studio is a free dashboard and reporting tool by Google that allows users to visualize data from multiple sources. It empowers businesses to create interactive dashboards that provide insights into performance, making data accessible and actionable for decision-makers.


Looker Studio is a free dashboard and reporting tool by Google that allows users to visualize data from multiple sources. It empowers businesses to create interactive dashboards that provide insights into performance, making data accessible and actionable for decision-makers. is an innovative solution designed to address key challenges in its domain. It offers a range of features tailored to enhance efficiency, streamline workflows, and deliver actionable insights. With robust integration capabilities, Looker helps businesses adapt to evolving market conditions and achieve their strategic goals more effectively.


  • Custom Dashboards
    Create interactive dashboards that visualize your most important metrics.
  • Data Connectivity
    Connects with Google Analytics, BigQuery, and hundreds of other data sources.
  • Data Visualization
    Offers a wide range of visualization options to present data clearly and effectively.
  • Collaborative Tools
    Share dashboards with team members and stakeholders for collaborative analysis.
  • Integration with Google Cloud
    Seamlessly integrates with other Google Cloud tools for enhanced data analysis.
  • Free to Use
    Provides powerful data visualization tools at no cost, making it accessible for all businesses.

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